YTZP Grinding Media
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YTZP Grinding Media are beads mainly comprised of tetragonal zirconia made from high-purity zirconium oxide/yittrium oxide. This process achieves the highest strength of all ceramic grinding media. The combination of high purity, strength, precision, toughness and wear resistance results in the highest degree of quality in grinding media that virtually eliminates contamination when properly used.
- Ink, pigment and paint
- Inorganic powders such as ceramics
- Electronic components and electronic materials (Ceramic capacitors, Thermoresistors, LCD color paste, PDP glas paste etc.)
- Heat sensitive materials
- Coatings
- Extremely high purity
- High strength, very difficult to break, long useful life
- Higher efficiency due to consistent spherical shape
- High density is more efficient at grinding
- High toughness. It is more than 5 times greater than that of alumina
Product Varieties
Several grain sizes available
Paint & Coatings
Niklas Graebner
Sales Manager