A fully synthetic, water-soluble polymer with a unique monomer composition designed for the manufacturing of superior IVD and biochemical assay reagents.
MPC (2-Methacryloyloxyethyl Phosphoryl Choline) consists of phosphoryl choline groups and methacrylic groups. Phosphoryl choline group is hydrophilic imparting high biocompatibility and high hydrophilicity.
MPC based polymer materials are especially produced for diagnostic applications such as IVD additives and assay reagents. The rich variation in physical property derived from its monomer composition, renders MPC-Polymer to have unique features and advantages.
Request Information
Aziza Aknin
Key Account Manager
The unique featurs of MPC-Polymer make it superior to protein-based reagents.


Western Blotting


Agglutination Assay

Lateral Flow Tests

Bead Based Assays
MPC-Polymer are fully chemically synthesized substances, therefore exhibiting little biohazardous risk and little lot-to-lot variation.
Blocking Effect
MPC-Polymer effectively suppresses non specific adsorption of protein on microplate or magnetic beads.
This experiment shows a 50 % better performance compared to the common material BSA.
Protein Stabilization Effect
MPC-Polymer effectively stabilizes proteins on solid or liquid phase materials.
MPC-Polymer and its hydrated water surrounds proteins to optimize the hydrophobic balance, and suppresses denaturation, aggregation, and non-specific adsorption to inside wall of vessel.
This experiment shows a 50 % better performance compared to the common material BSA.
Sensitizing Effect (Latex Agglutination Test)
MPC-Polymer effectively improves the sensitivity of latex agglutination tests.
Figure 3: A latex agglutination test detecting CRP (C-reactive protein) was carried out to evaluate the performance of MPC-Polymer. The test was performed using 7070 automated analyzer (Hitachi). MPC-Polymer was added to the sample diluent and to the latex particle suspension (1 wt% final concentration).
Sensitizing Effect (Lateral Flow Test)
MPC-Polymer significantly improves the sensitivity of lateral flow tests.
Product Line
We recommend to choose for the initial evaluation MPC-Polymer according to application and purpose (below table).
We offer a wide range of MPC-Polymers with various physical properties. In some cases a combination of two or more different MPC-Polymers are necessary. We are happy to find out your best MPC-Polymer (combination) to meet your needs.
MPC Polymer Series | Property | Application | Specification |
MPC 100 Series | Very hydrophilic (neutral) | Latex agglutination Lateral flow test | Sensitizing |
MPC 200 Series | Moderately hydrophobic | ELISA / CLEIA Latex agglutination test Lateral flow test | Blocking |
MPC 400 Series | Very hydrophilic (anionic) | Lateral flow test Metal surface modification | Sensitizing |
MPC 800 Series | Relatively hydrophobic (BSA-like property) | ELISA / CLEIA Lateral flow test | Blocking Stabilizing |
MPC 1000 Series | Moderately hydrophobic | ELISA / CLEIA | Blocking |
MPC 1200 Series | Moderately hydrophobic | ELISA / CLEIA Latex agglutination test | Blocking |